Built-in Custom Templates

Build a Lightbox Subscription Form with ease

Build a Popup Opt-in Form just a minute with WPSubscribers, which includes 11 unique design popup + 8 colors each.
This is also an intelligent feature that you can configure to show up only for new visitor or after a specific time…
However, you can use this feature to create your own popup to display not only Opt-in Form but also video clip, ads banner…

Have your subscribe form in the footer bar

WPSubscribers allows you to create a dynamic footer bar on your website containing a subscription form. All of the footer bars are fully customized.
In addition, you can use this feature to put any content as you want in the footer bar.

Embed Subscribe Form inside your Post content

With WPSubscribers, you can easily create a Subscribe Form embed in your post, it might be displayed at the top, bottom or anywhere inside the post content.

Create multiple Exit Popups

This feature allows you to create multiple exit popups that appear when visitors try to close the page or go to another website.
Each popup can has its own content, URL to redirect and can be placed on all pages or a specific page of your website. This could be great to show an offer to your visitors or let’s them go to a subscribe page.

Take full control of display settings

In addition of ability to create multiple forms, you can choose exactly which pages/posts/categories… to display popup, footer bar, exit popup… and their number of occurrences.
Each subscription form can has its own inner content, design and easy to customized.
The plugin will auto disable all of the subscription forms whenever your visitors put in their information or using mobile device to keep your visitor’s smoothness.
They are all easy-to-use features that you can accomplish through our post metabox, sidebar widgets and an advanced admin option page.

Add custom opt-in forms anywhere

WPSubscribers provides you flexible functions to create custom opt-in forms that can be placed anywhere on your website (post content, page content, sidebar widgets, header, footer…)

Subscribe on user registration

When enable, this feature of WPSubscribers will auto subscribe all of your new users to a mailing list when they register on your website.
This process runs in the background so they won’t notice about this.

Subscribe on user commenting

WPSubscribers can create a Subscription Checkbox at your comment form that you can modify the label, set a default status of this checkbox is checked or not…
WPSubscribers can also redirect your visitors to a specific page after commenting or send a thank you message to them.

Automatically fill visitors’ name and email

WPSubscribers will automatically capture your visitors’ name, email and fill them into Subscribe Form in order to get you more sign-ups!

Subscription Form on hidden content

With this feature you can easily hide a part of your post content that visitors need to subscribe to your list to see this hidden content.

Simple Subscribe Forms Analytics

WPSubscribers allows you to keep track of Subscription Form performance that tells you how many times does the form appear and its number of submission.
With this statistical figure you can make a split testing to choose the best performance one or take further form optimization.

Subscription Referral System

WPSubscribers plugin now can grow your list virally! By giving your subscribers referral points, thus encouraging them to have others sign up for you list, too.
This feature turns your WordPress blog into a killer list building machine that force all visitors build the list for you!

Exit popup with HTML content

The new exit popup is coming that allows you put any content in.
Forget the boring traditional exit popup, WPSubscribers plugin now allows you put images, video… to your exit popup.

WPSubscribers Can Now Integrate With FaceBook

Up to now, 500 million people all around the world are actively using Facebook to stay connected with their friends and the people around them. These people have all verified names and e-mail addresses that would be your greatest opt-in list opportunity.
WPSubscribers can add a Facebook Connect button to anywhere in your website that allows visitor to be subscribed to your mailing list in seconds! Here is how it work:

1. You make an offer and put in WPSubscribers FaceBook button.
2. Your visitor clicks on this button and accepts to connect with you.
 click this out:Built-inCustomTemplates.Com

Create an unlimited number of subscribe forms

Only with WPSubscribers, you can create unlimited number of subscribe forms include popup forms, footer bar forms, custom forms, exit popups… and each of them can has its own content and can be used separated at the same time.
This feature is extremely useful when your website targets multi topics with different types of visitors or has multiple landing-pages.

Working with any opt-in email marketing service

WPSubscribers could be used with any email service such as Aweber, Mailchimp, iContact, GetResponse, Prosender, Emailaces, Turbo Autoresponders, Google FeedBurner… or your own service.

Compatible with all modern web browsers

WPSubscribers is designed to work with all major web browsers today: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer…

 click this out:Built-inCustomTemplates.Com