
I hope you and your family are well.
If you are receiving this email, you or someone in your house is very concerned about Internet pornography and unsolicited adult content pass through the holes and finish on your PC.
I wanted to briefly update some startling statistics that I think may surprise you.
The truth is {!} Firstname_fix, the adult entertainment industry is very powerful and has the means and resources necessary for their unwanted content at home with or without your permission.
And that's synonymous with danger to their children! So we must fight to protect his family.

Check out some of these startling statistics firstname_fix {!}
= One in five children aged 10 to 17 have received a sexual solicitation over the Internet.
= One in four children using the Internet are exposed to unsolicited sexual material.
= 2.5 million emails per day are pornographic (SI BILLION!).
= 70 percent of sexual advances over the Internet happened while youngsters were on a computer at home.
= 21 percent of teens say they've seen something on the Internet that do not want their parents to know.
These are staggering statistics {!} Firstname_fix! Do not you think?
But with my software, you will not have to worry about your family are exposed to this crap ever again!
Test the software for 60 days risk free:
your family is precious ... and you have not let them down.
Take action and get protected today!

click this out:MyPornBlocker.Com

The day I walked into my child's bedroon and saw this kind of sexually explicit material on the PC was the day I swore it would create a software program that would never allow that crap in my house.
And it took me two years and thousands of dollars to create .. but it was worth my time and effort.
The truth is that ... although I've never sold another copy of my award-winning software, it was worth all the time and money only to learn that my family is now 100% safe from pornography and online preditors.
And the best part ... You do not have to spend two years or 10 thousand dollars to have the same protection for your family too.
Just go to this link and download your copy risk free 60 day trial:
and once you've downloaded and installed the software and has had opportunity to witness for yourself the ease of use and application filtering first class, please send me an e-mail and tell me what you think.
I'd love to hear from you. It makes my life much more fulfilling knowing that I have changed the lives of another family.
I do not want another mother or father always feel the feelings of failure as I did.
If I fail!
I failed my son .. I failed my whole family! I did not protect them. I do not want to ever think that what I did.
Experts agree that it could easily charge $ 349 per year for all my software has to offer.
But I would have no excuse not to protect his family. Take advantage of my offer crazy - for a limited time:
You have my guarantee 60 day risk free trial! If for some reason the software does not meet all of the statements I made on my website, just let me know and I will immediately refund every penny of your purchase price!

click this out:MyPornBlocker.Com

Features of MyPornBlocker

Block Offensive Content Before It Appears
(Works behind the scenes and stops harmful websites before they appear, including newsgroups)
Integration With All Search Engines
(This means your children can't search on a search engine and even see links to blocked sites. This new internet safety feature enables better protection against pornographic images when doing an "image only" search.)
Stop Illegal File Sharing / P2P Software
(Only program on the net to block over 50 File Sharing Programs)
Works with IE 5.0+, FireFox, Netscape, Opera
(Smart and effective content filtering works with any and all the popular browsers!)
Works with UNLIMITED # Of Windows Users
(And is impossible to close or bypass, even by the smartest of users!)
Stealth Mode
(Run silently and completely hidden from the task bar, system tray, process list, start menu and add/remove programs section!)
Block All Chat Software
(Chat can be fun but it's also a very dangerous place where sex predators like to target kids, restrict chat effortlessly!)
Special Social Networking
(Blocking or limited access to popular but potentially inappropriate services such as MySpace and FaceBook.)
Automatic ScreenShots
(Secretly take high quality pictures of the screen every every x minutes and then view a handy DVD style slide show later to see everything!)
Simple URL logging
(keeps neat and simple logs of all websites visited)
Clever Keyword Filtering
(Lets you block a wide range of offensive websites both brand new and old!)
Password Control
(makes sure only YOU can use the program, the only way to bypass the software is with your unique administrator password, which only you as the parent knows.)
Easy-To-Use! Just install and its auto-optimized for your PC!
The fact is... I wanted MyPornBlocker™ to be much more than just a porn filtering software application. I wanted it to be the one piece of software every family could rely on to block all uninvited content that may be harmful to children.
Just look at some of the benefits of MyPornBlocker™...
MyPornBlocker™ keeps track and checks the content of every web-page your child browses through in the Internet.
If MyPornBlocker™ finds some obscene content (characteristic of pornography, violence, religious sects, etc.), it will immediately block viewing such pages.
MyPornBlocker™ is a complete software package that is integrated in all browsers.
Each function of MyPornBlocker™ forms an obstacle in the way of obscene information from the Internet (pornography, drugs, graphic violence) providing safe Internet access for all children.
Before your child views any webpage, it is checked by dozens of functions integrated into MyPornBlocker™ to insure a safe browsing experience.
You can easily configure MyPornBlocker™ for pornography blocking, blocking sites with violence scenes, filtering sites that popularize drugs, to filter the gambling games and many other forbidden materials.
MyPornBlocker™ will filter the content of every visited and viewed page - EVERY TIME!
NEW BONUS! MyPornBlocker™ can be used on computer networks. Special network functions were recently added to our program to allow any network administrator remote connection with any other computer on the network, making it simple and convenient to install and monitor our software on any network.
Easy on/off functionality allows turning MyPornBlocker™ on and off a breeze. If you want to browse adult content while your children are away you have that option.
MyPornBlocker™ can filter the content provided by any Internet Service Provider (ISP) anywhere in the world where the Internet is available.  click click this out:MyPornBlocker.Com

Built-in Custom Templates

Build a Lightbox Subscription Form with ease

Build a Popup Opt-in Form just a minute with WPSubscribers, which includes 11 unique design popup + 8 colors each.
This is also an intelligent feature that you can configure to show up only for new visitor or after a specific time…
However, you can use this feature to create your own popup to display not only Opt-in Form but also video clip, ads banner…

Have your subscribe form in the footer bar

WPSubscribers allows you to create a dynamic footer bar on your website containing a subscription form. All of the footer bars are fully customized.
In addition, you can use this feature to put any content as you want in the footer bar.

Embed Subscribe Form inside your Post content

With WPSubscribers, you can easily create a Subscribe Form embed in your post, it might be displayed at the top, bottom or anywhere inside the post content.

Create multiple Exit Popups

This feature allows you to create multiple exit popups that appear when visitors try to close the page or go to another website.
Each popup can has its own content, URL to redirect and can be placed on all pages or a specific page of your website. This could be great to show an offer to your visitors or let’s them go to a subscribe page.

Take full control of display settings

In addition of ability to create multiple forms, you can choose exactly which pages/posts/categories… to display popup, footer bar, exit popup… and their number of occurrences.
Each subscription form can has its own inner content, design and easy to customized.
The plugin will auto disable all of the subscription forms whenever your visitors put in their information or using mobile device to keep your visitor’s smoothness.
They are all easy-to-use features that you can accomplish through our post metabox, sidebar widgets and an advanced admin option page.

Add custom opt-in forms anywhere

WPSubscribers provides you flexible functions to create custom opt-in forms that can be placed anywhere on your website (post content, page content, sidebar widgets, header, footer…)

Subscribe on user registration

When enable, this feature of WPSubscribers will auto subscribe all of your new users to a mailing list when they register on your website.
This process runs in the background so they won’t notice about this.

Subscribe on user commenting

WPSubscribers can create a Subscription Checkbox at your comment form that you can modify the label, set a default status of this checkbox is checked or not…
WPSubscribers can also redirect your visitors to a specific page after commenting or send a thank you message to them.

Automatically fill visitors’ name and email

WPSubscribers will automatically capture your visitors’ name, email and fill them into Subscribe Form in order to get you more sign-ups!

Subscription Form on hidden content

With this feature you can easily hide a part of your post content that visitors need to subscribe to your list to see this hidden content.

Simple Subscribe Forms Analytics

WPSubscribers allows you to keep track of Subscription Form performance that tells you how many times does the form appear and its number of submission.
With this statistical figure you can make a split testing to choose the best performance one or take further form optimization.

Subscription Referral System

WPSubscribers plugin now can grow your list virally! By giving your subscribers referral points, thus encouraging them to have others sign up for you list, too.
This feature turns your WordPress blog into a killer list building machine that force all visitors build the list for you!

Exit popup with HTML content

The new exit popup is coming that allows you put any content in.
Forget the boring traditional exit popup, WPSubscribers plugin now allows you put images, video… to your exit popup.

WPSubscribers Can Now Integrate With FaceBook

Up to now, 500 million people all around the world are actively using Facebook to stay connected with their friends and the people around them. These people have all verified names and e-mail addresses that would be your greatest opt-in list opportunity.
WPSubscribers can add a Facebook Connect button to anywhere in your website that allows visitor to be subscribed to your mailing list in seconds! Here is how it work:

1. You make an offer and put in WPSubscribers FaceBook button.
2. Your visitor clicks on this button and accepts to connect with you.
 click this out:Built-inCustomTemplates.Com

Create an unlimited number of subscribe forms

Only with WPSubscribers, you can create unlimited number of subscribe forms include popup forms, footer bar forms, custom forms, exit popups… and each of them can has its own content and can be used separated at the same time.
This feature is extremely useful when your website targets multi topics with different types of visitors or has multiple landing-pages.

Working with any opt-in email marketing service

WPSubscribers could be used with any email service such as Aweber, Mailchimp, iContact, GetResponse, Prosender, Emailaces, Turbo Autoresponders, Google FeedBurner… or your own service.

Compatible with all modern web browsers

WPSubscribers is designed to work with all major web browsers today: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer…

 click this out:Built-inCustomTemplates.Com


Your Commissions:

You will get 50% on the front-end which sells for $47(Wpsubscribers triple version) or $97(Unlimited version). This means you stand to earn up to $44.8 per sale!

Why should you promote WPSubscribers?

Unlike any similar product out there, WPSubscribers is the most comprehensive and feature-rich subscription plugin for Wordpress platform that was built to ensure the complete convenience for end-users. In less than 10 minutes of setting-up, your users will going to see their blog subscription rates boost instantly without additional traffic and start making a lot of money from there.
In additional, we've spent a lot of hard work to build up WPSubscribers plugin, our efforts is to bring back a high class level of Wordpress plugin in both back-end flexibility and front-end performance. Last but not least, we're working to add more features to this product everyday, your users will fully happy with our product and services.

How do you get started?

First, you will need a Clickbank account, the signup process is extremely easy and just take a minute, here if you don't have one.
Once you have your Clickbank account, you will need to start sending traffic through to our site via your Affiliate link:

please remember that more traffic == more money in your pocket!!!

Now let's make great money with us!

  • Product name: Wpsubscribers - Premium Subscribers Plugin for Wordpress blog
  • Product Description: Wpsubscribers, a powerfull Subscribers Wordpress plugin that boost your mailing list at least 300% with a lot of high-end features.
  • Product Price: $47 (triple version) and $97 (Unlimited version).

click this out:WPSubscribers.Com

BoxShot King

click this out:BoxShotKing.Com